We have great pleasure to announce that ISO 27001:2013 External Surveillance Audit in Teccmanage Jeddah, which was conducted on 15 August 2021 was successful.

Our sincere appreciation and thanks to Teccmanage Team who have participated, supported for achieving this success.


Ø 9:00 am – Opening Meeting

Ø 9:30 am – 4:30pm – Changes to the MS, Organization and SoA, Previous NCR, Internal Audit, Management Review, Objectives, Nonconformity and Corrective Action, Legal and other Requirements, Evaluation of Compliance, Use of Mark, Risk Analysis, Treatment of SoA, Context of Organization, Leadership, Planning, Implementation and Support, Information Security Policies, Organization of Information Security, Human Resources Security, Asset Management, Access Control, Cryptography, Physical and Environmental Security, Information Security Incident Management, Support, Compliance, Improvement, Performance Evaluation, Operation and Operation Security (NOC Center), Communication Security, Systems Acquisition, Development & Maintenance, Supplier Relationships, Information Security Aspects of Business Continuity management, Procurement, Infrastructure, Managed Services

Ø 4:30 – 5 pm – Closing Meeting

The external auditor Dr. Abdul Majeed Haddad expressed his admiration with our Information Security Management System.  He also judged our Information Security Management System and its implementation in Jeddah as “Excellent”.

We will share the audit report if needed with the auditees.

Finally, I appreciate the efforts of Malaz Alidelbi, Mohammed Aliuddin, Zafar Javed and Rogelio Alvarez for coordinating and making this audit successful.

Bahgat Mostafa