emdha Certification Authority (CA) is owned and managed by Baud Telecom Company (BTC) under KSA Root CA and is poised to offer Online Digital Signature Service enabling applications to seamlessly integrate and avail digital signatures in real time. It incorporates a secure and compliant digital signature methodology with online “Know Your Customer (KYC)” process of the signatory, validated against information from reliable KYC agencies.
emdha’s online signature service provides a paperless signature experience by using e-KYC from the bank or any other KYC Provider. This is intended to reduce the cost of KYC, paper storage and paper-based document movement. It also minimizes the risk of forged documents.
emdha’s certificate policy provides a provision for short term certificates, which is used in order to create a one-time online signature. This facilitates digitally signing a document by the signatory using emdha’s Online Trusted Digital Signature Service. The authentication of the signatory is based on e-KYC data provided by a reliable KYC agency. Upon successful validation by emdha CA, the signature on the document is carried out on secure backend server. This is an integrated service that facilitates issuing a Digital Signature Certificate and performing Signing of requested document on the basis of authenticated e-KYC information. The certificate issued through this service will have a limited validity period and is only for the one-time signing of requested document.
emdha eSign CA provides trust services to secure the exchange of information between key stakeholders, that primarily include, Government, Citizens and Businesses.
emdha is setup according to global standards and procedures; BTC operates the Certifying Authority using skilled subject matter experts in a secure infrastructure.