ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-Corruption) Certified

Alhamdulillah, we have great pleasure to announce that BTC is ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-Corruption) Certified. ISO audit was conducted on 20 October 2022 was successful with no Non-Conformities. We have received our certificate which is valid until 20 October 2025.

Also, CPCA audit was conducted by Cisco assigned 3rd party auditor on 26 October 2022 attended by Rashed Khalifa, Mohannad Hamed and Mohammed Aliuddin and thanks to Al-mighty Allah, BTC has once again proved to be the best partner of Cisco in Saudi Arabia with no Major / Minor Non – Conformities. My sincere appreciation and thanks goes to everyone who have participated, supported and cooperated with us for achieving this success; Hazem Suwidan (Corporate Internal Audit), Abdelaziz Al-Shahrani (Admin & HR and Team) and Firas Helwani (Procurement and Team).

As per business requirements, official regulations and as per our Vendors request, we have to achieve Anti-Corruption certification to ensure compliance with all applicable Anti-Corruption Policies & Procedures, and to guarantee that the Company’s business is conducted in a professional and socially accountable method.

Therefore, for this purpose we started updating our Policies & Procedures to achieve ISO 37001 (Anti-Corruption) Certification in order to get ISO certification and also achieve Cisco Partner Compliance Assessment (CPCA) in time.

This task was assigned to Mohannad Hamed and Mohammed Aliuddin under the supervision of Rashed Khalifa who were responsible to prepare/update Policies & Requirements Documents as per the guidelines given by ISO and Cisco. Despite the short time duration and lengthy process, they did their best to prepare all required documents with its evidence. Special thanks to them as they have worked very hard to meet the deadlines and audited by the concerned and succeeded in getting their approvals.

It is to mention that our Consultant and the Auditor have expressed their appreciation with our ISO Team. They also judged our ISO System and its implementation as “Excellent”. One important note was that out of so many Cisco partners, BTC was the 1st one to pass Cisco audit without any Non-Conformities Alhamdulillah.

As you are well aware now we have an Anti-Corruption Committee with Policies, Procedures and Processes that are available in the BTC Intranet for your reading, follow-up and to be respected i.e., “All employees must abide by the ISO 9001, 27001 and 37001 (Anti-Corruption) policies and procedures; and Non-compliant employees to face disciplinary action set out by BTC”.

We are looking forward for Zero Incidents in the company. May Allah bless you all and BTC. 

Amer M. Kabbara
Chief Executive Advisor